Archive | September, 2012

Top Five Staten Island Attorney Qualities

1 Sep

When most people are searching for a Staten Island attorney, they begin with a list of qualifications and qualities that they would like that lawyer to possess. Here are some qualities to add to that list or to begin your list as you search for a Staten Island attorney. All of these qualities should be easy to assess upon first meeting the Staten Island attorney. Good luck with your search!

1.Trustworthy- If you feel comfortable with the lawyer while you are speaking with him or her, take it as a good sign! You will be sharing a lot of confidential and personal information with your Staten Island attorney, so it is of upmost importance that you deem the attorney to be a moral character, and someone who is ethical and just. After all, you are seeking justice when you enter the realm of law.

2. A good first impression- It sounds silly, but compare it to your first job interview. Weren’t you prepared in a freshly pressed suit with a copy of your resume in your briefcase? While searching for a Staten Island attorney, remember that you are the client. Your attorney should find it important to make a good first impression and present himself or herself as a professional and responsible attorney who is capable of handling you case.

3. Open to questions- Your Staten Island attorney should be ready and eager to answer your questions and satisfy you with his or her answers. If he or she is unable to answer a question, the Staten Island attorney should tell you why rather than just dismiss the questions.

4. Reliability- You should be able to contact your Staten Island attorney, and know that you will receive a response to your inquiry or attempted communication. A reliable attorney puts your mind at ease, and makes the entire legal process smoother. Imagine the worry you might feel if a Staten Island attorney did not get back to you, especially about a pressing court deadline.

5. Communication Skills- A friendly lawyer can make all the difference when he or she is interacting with other workers, the courts, and his or her clients. It is crucial that a Staten Island attorney can adequately express himself or herself and that he or she can interact with people of different genders, ethnicities, and religions. Good communication skills are definitely a good sign that you have interacted with a top lawyer.

These qualities are a starting point to assist you while choosing a Staten Island attorney. Some of these qualities may be important or you may have other qualities of your own that take precedent. It may be helpful to write a list out of your top five qualities as your begin the search for your Staten Island attorney.

Angiuli and Gentile, LLP is a full-service law firm with offices located on Staten Island. The firm is compromised of a talented team that has the expertise and experience to help you with your next case. The firm’s dedicated team of Staten Island attorneys has provided exceptional service to all clients for over twenty-five years. For more information about Angiuli and Gentile, LLP, and to learn how their team can assist with your next case, log on to