The Search for a Staten Island Attorney

18 Jul

Within the Staten Island area, there are several experienced attorneys that are available to you to meet your legal needs. However, with thousands of lawyers on the Island, finding and hiring an experienced attorney who is the right fit for you takes time and research. There are several techniques available that save clients time on their research and help them to find the most ideal Staten Island attorney for their personal needs.

First, utilize the age-old tool technique of word of mouth. If you are comfortable sharing your case, talk to friends, family members, and acquaintances. Explain your case in as much detail as you deem appropriate and in as many details necessary for the other person to gauge what your are looking for in an attorney. Those you speak with may be able to suggest a Staten Island attorney with whom they worked directly, or they may be able to put you in contact with someone who had a similar case and received excellent legal counsel. Be sure to ask the person suggesting the attorney about their experience throughout the duration of the case. Did the Staten Island attorney answer questions thoroughly and quickly? Was the client content with the overall result of the case?

Secondly, conduct an online search about the Staten Island attorney who was recommended to you. Read all relevant news articles about the attorney, visit his or her personal website or that of his or her firm, and scour the web for any commentaries about the attorney made by former clients. If you do not have a recommended attorney, simply conduct an online search to acquire an initial list of potential attorneys. Start with a broad online search using the keywords, ‘Staten Island attorney.’ With the results of that search, begin to assemble a list of attorneys while taking note of the areas of law that the attorney has the most experience in. Eliminate any attorneys from your list who do not meet the requirements for your individual case. Try to keep this list down to about three different attorneys as to not overwhelm yourself with too large of a list.

Once you have a list of three different attorneys, follow the same advice listed earlier. Conduct a more specific online search about each attorney, paying close attention to any news articles written about the Staten Island attorney. If you are content with what you are reading about the attorney on the web, be sure to take the extra precaution of visiting the New York State Bar Association’s website. The website will provide information about when the Staten Island attorney was admitted to the Bar, his or her current status with the courts, and if the attorney has had any allegations of malpractice brought against him or her. If you are satisfied with the results of this search, call the attorney or his firm to schedule a consultation or a time for you to speak over the phone about your case.

Angiuli and Gentile, LLP is a full-service law firm with offices located on Staten Island. The firm is compromised of a talented team that has the expertise and experience to help you with your next case. The firm’s dedicated team of
Staten Island attorneys has provided exceptional service to all clients for over twenty-five years. For more information about Angiuli and Gentile, LLP, and to learn how their team can assist with your next case, log on to

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